Horizon Quest [PRINT]

(2 customer reviews)


A passionless druid named Ghenwinn decides to become an adventurer to reignite a spark in him that’s been long since gone. By happenstance, he comes across a party of adventurers who need one more member, but soon finds out they’re an odd group who have difficulty working together.

Readers 14+

Includes 60 pages of story

192 in stock

2 reviews for Horizon Quest [PRINT]

  1. Richard Wise

    Decent story

  2. William

    Its not often you get such a grounded, concise and inspiring fantasy story like this! This comic knows how to hook you if not make you fall in love with the dynamic of the characters on the very first issue. The fight scenes are so fun as you see how the way the characters mesh affect the course of the battle and to see them overcome and take advantage of each others quirks is so satisfying to read through.

    I’m also a fan of how the comic is not afraid to hit the reader with the realistic violence that comes with weaponry and over the top spells, despite how light hearted the comic can seem (something that I feel other fantasy stories kinda wuss out on a little). Unlike most other fantasy stories, this one is also not bogged down by shoehorned video game mechanics to seem ‘familiar’ and or ‘safer’ to casual audiences, as it instead just feels like a natural realistic world that is simply fantasy like. The art also makes me gooey inside!

    All in all, this story scratched an itch I had long forgotten was there and I seriously look forward to the next issue!

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